If you’re lucky enough to get a legendary on your first pick, there’s a high chance it will be Kazakus. Now, the first two picks of every Arena draft will have cards that have heavy synergistic potential. This includes cards like Devilsaur Egg or Servant of Kalimos that are extremely strong if you get the synergy, but very weak if you don’t. And Blizzard have now added their very own way to ‘help’ you with these synergies.

Having synergies is often what makes a great Arena deck, as any Arena player could tell you. Synergy can be as simple as small minions and buffs. You can play Elemental based decks, or Demon based, or any number of other types. See, synergy is an important part of Hearthstone. Something no one asked for, and absolutely no one wanted. Something that wasn’t in the patch notes. With the launch of the new expansion, Blizzard added something to Arena. Without spoiling too much, the adjustments to Arena aren’t great. Blizzard has added some new ‘features’ to Arena, a few bugs, and one massive change. Normally, new cards change Arena play quite a bit as well, but with this expansion, things are a bit different. The new Hearthstone expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne, has added a ton of new cards, and shaken up competitive play immensely.