* On a bookshelf at the right side of the room, between the two doors. * At the left side of the room, near some sacks.

A single tinderbox can be found in the large table or shelf in the middle of the room. * Pressing on, you’ll enter a large room labeled “Food Storage”. *** After you blow up the rubble using the explosive mixture, two tinderboxes can be found in a chest behind some barrels on the left of the shelf-like structure, and another one on a shelf on the right side. * Heading back to the starting area and up to the section labelled “Machine Parts”, a tinderbox can be found on the ground near the rubble. In here, two tinderboxes can be found on a bookshelf to your right one at the top of it, and one in the middle of it. ** Exiting and following the wall to the right yet again and around another corner, yet another small room can be found. One of them sits on a box, and another one sits on a shelf near the drill part.

** Exiting and following the wall further, to the right, around a corner to another small room, two tinderboxes can be found. In this room, four tinderboxes can be found-one on the shelf to the left, one on another shelf in the wall nearby, one on another shelf on the right side of the room, and one more in a small chest nearby. **** Exiting the room and following the wall to your right, you will find another small room. * Heading out of the room, straight ahead and down the stairs into the “Equipment” area, in the tiny room to your immediate right, on the floor underneath the note describing how to create the explosive, one tinderbox can be found. Two of them on a shelf on the left, and one on a shelf on the right. *** To the first room on your left, where you find the first drill part, three tinderboxes can be found. * On the large shelf in the middle of the first room as you enter the storage, near a candle.